Prepare for your journey and plan your expenses

With the aim of making quality education accessible to all, the Russian government through the Ministry of Science and Higher Education offers university education at an affordable price, with high qualifications and certificates that will enable graduates to compete favourably in the labour market. The government affords students the opportunity to continue staying on Russian territory to conduct scientific research and get a job offer hereby making them become more assimilated.

Handling and Tuition fees.

For the complete follow-up of files, while processing your admission to study in Russia on a self-funded basis, all services are paid. The Handling fee is 400 dollars US. In addition to this is the visa processing fee paid upon receipt of invitation sent by one of the universities

After learning the Russian language in the preparatory faculty, the student takes the exams in the chosen field to finally begin his university studies.

Students receive a certificate at the end of the programme and can further proceed on their studies as desired.

Studies in Russia are about 5–7 times less expensive compared to that of Europe and the United States: the cost ranges from $ 500 to $ 6,000 per year.



The average tuition fees for Bachelor 

from 2.000 USD per year

 The average tuition fees for Masters

 from 2.500 USD per year

Transportation and accommodation costs

Housing assistance is necessary, to avoid possible incidents that could arise upon your arrival in Russia. As a result, our team continues to assist you and offers you additional services such as: welcoming newcomers from the airport through the train station to the intended destination.

For those interested, please contact the Centre for Business Development and Cooperation with Russia for more information.

Note that the average budget of a Russian student is estimated at 35,000 roubles per month (around $ 600), of course, also considering that this budget depends on the place of residence and the lifestyle of the student.

Health insurance

For full medical assistance during your study period in Russian, it would be essential to have your health insurance as soon as possible following your arrival in Russia. In order to avoid possible risks, it is best to get medical insurance once in the city where you plan to study.

The insurance cost varies from 6,000 to 20,000 roubles depending on the service package offered by the insurance company ($ 90 to $ 310).. 


Regarding textbook necessary for your studies, it is given at the host university library, at no extra cost.